Top Sounds Top Systems
Top Sounds Top Systems

Discos and parties are on hold for a bit, click on 'About Us' and 'Repairs' to the left of your screen to see that the main focus is repairing sound equipment just now. I'd love to restart the Disco company again, get in touch if you want help me!
Get everyone on the dance floor with
AVR Sound Systems!
One of the most respected companies that takes entertainment seriously,
If what you need is a successful party with complete high quality sound systems and experienced DJ'S, without worrying about what you need for this, or end up finding a long bill instead of celebrating you need to talk to us. One cost, no secret add-ons.
Pops Past Presence Predicted for regular updates and videos.
If what you want is to take control of the sound desk, if you want to be the DJ at your party, rehearsal or gig with your band, if you're having a bingo night or a business conference, if for whatever reason you need amplified sound we arrange everything for you without complication.
Top Tune from 1989 that keeps reappearing, this time as the rythm used for Wretch 32's latest offering. This was the Stone Roses' first and most sucsessful track with the most under rated, genre defining drumbeat that Wretch 32 have used very well indeed.
(Uploaded 14:06:11)
If you already have all of the PA equipment you need but it's not working quite well enough, just give us a call. Free consultation on the telephone. Repairs done to any audio system or piece of equipment, from domestic to studio, from individuals to bands, tell us your problem and go back to playing.
PA Systems and Repairs collected and delivered in and around London.
AVR Sound Systems does it all!
Policy: Our regular customers always get a special price !!!
Progressive discounts for everyone.
Call for prices and availability.
07426 044 552 / 07482 044 440